Oil Industry Pollution

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Beyond being a huge source of greenhouse gas emissions, extracting oil from the ground, transporting it, processing it and burning it pollutes the air, soil, water, harming humans and the environments and ecologies we depend upon. Oil leaks during extraction and transportation are common and have devastating consequences. When burned, oil produces volatile organic compounds (VOCs), a group of chemicals that cause cancer and can lead to asthma, respiratory problems and other serious health problems over time. 

Most countries have rules and regulations to try to reduce these risks. However, not everyone is protected equally. Those who are less well off, discriminated against based on race or ethnicity, or who otherwise find themselves in more vulnerable or precarious situations have disproportionately been the victims of oil extraction. This is a textbook example of environmental racism and environmental injustice. With that in mind, It is important that governments and wider society act to dismantle the oil industry and its associated infrastructure (through policy and direct action, for example).


The player with the lowest Infrastructure Resilience loses 2 Ecological Resilience. In the Solo game, lose just 1 Ecological Resilience.

If this Crisis was face up during the Local stage and players tucked a Regulation tag under it, this effect can be ignored.

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  • Join a local or national campaign for clean energy and elimination of fossil fuels. Find one near you with the Fossil Free database.

  • Sign up to receive action alerts from organizations working to reverse the expansion of fossil fuel use and associated infrastructure such as Moms Clean Air Force and the Natural Resources Defense Council.