Oil Industry Collusion

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Collusion happens when companies that should be in competition work together to set higher prices or manage the availability of a product to profit at the expense of consumers. Fossil fuel companies (especially oil companies and oil-producing countries) regularly collude to manipulate prices and markets in their favor. Many large oil companies have engaged in collusion over the last century, though in recent decades the practice has often been associated with OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. OPEC is made up of 13 countries whose mission is to control oil markets for their own benefit and is often described as a cartel.

Fossil fuel companies have also worked together to downplay the role that burning their products plays in the climate emergency, as well as lobbying to shape energy systems and keep nations hooked on those fuels. In these cases, these companies are not merely working together to set prices, but to influence public opinion – and their operating environment more widely – to protect their business interests. This comes at enormous cost to people and the planet.


Ignore this Crisis if no player has any Communities in Crisis.

The player with the most Communities in Crisis loses 2 Social Resilience. In the Solo game, lose just 1 Social Resilience.

If this Crisis was face up during the Local stage and players tucked a Society tag under it, this effect can be ignored.

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  • Join a local or national campaign for clean energy and elimination of fossil fuels. Find one near you with the Fossil Free database.

  • Write your elected officials asking them not to get money from fossil fuel lobbyists and share the facts of fossil fuels in driving climate change.