Environmental Movement

Local Project
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For as long as people have recognised our interdependence with nature, there have been movements opposing its destruction. These movements have often argued that humans are part of natural systems and not distinct from them. 

Over the last two centuries, environmental movements have had two broad focusses. There are those who concentrate on changing regulations and technologies, like implementing clean air laws and switching to electric vehicles. There are others who also focus on the deeper power dynamics and ways that societies are constructed that lead to the destruction of nature. These include anti-colonial movements that see the extractive connections between imperialism and environmental destruction.

As awareness of the climate emergency has grown, so have environmental movements. These have rapidly reached a global scale, like the school strike movement. These movements include organized groups of scientists, lawyers, health professionals, carers, cleaners, activists and many more. Their aims range from cleaning up local rivers to changing global economic systems. 

Being part of an environmental movement is easier than ever. But it can also be deadly, with hundreds of activists killed each year by authoritarian governments and corporations whose power is challenged.


When you take this action, draw 1, 2, or 3 additional Local Project cards if you have 2–3, 4–5, or 6 or more Ecology tags in this card's stack.

You may do this once per round.

Card Rules Image
  • Join a local environmental campaign group, or one linked to your profession

  • Focus your work and expertise on climate action, for example by retrofitting buildings, using cleaner products and services, or asking your seniors to take action.

  • Lobby your elected representative for changes.

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