Clean Energy Standards

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Clean energy standards (also called renewable portfolio standards) are a tool governments can use to support generating electricity from zero-carbon sources like wind and solar. A government will typically set a standard for the share of electricity generation sold by utilities that must come from zero-carbon sources; these standards can be encouraged or required. This increases over time to allow utilities time to ramp up their investments in zero-carbon power.

Many countries have already implemented clean energy standards, including Australia, China, South Korea, and Mexico. The United States has multiple standards at the state level, but no standard for the entire country.

Clean energy standards are attractive because, when properly enforced, they help ensure that an increasing share of a grid’s electricity mix comes from zero-carbon sources. They can also allow utilities the flexibility to decide which sources are most appropriate for the region in question.

Economists sometimes argue that clean energy standards are less efficient than putting a price on carbon emissions, and in some forms, still let companies decide whether they are willing to pay to use fossil fuels or switch to renewable energy to save money. On the other hand, carbon pricing that would sufficiently motivate switching to zero-carbon sources are often politically unpopular.


When you take this action, remove 1 Dirty Energy token from your player board.
You may take this action once per Energy tag in this card's stack each round.

Card Rules Image
  • Contact your legislators to tell them you support establishing a Clean Energy Portfolio Standard in your state, province, or country.

  • Choose to purchase energy from clean energy sources, such as wind or solar power.

  • Work with your employer or business to develop and implement clean energy goals and strategies.

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