Patents Regulations

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Reforming patent regulations can help speed up innovation and commercialization of new green technologies. Patents have long been considered necessary to incentivize technological innovation by giving inventors a time-limited monopoly to use their ideas without fear that someone else will steal their innovation. In the context of innovations designed to tackle the climate emergency, however, some people worry that patents prevent world-changing technologies from spreading fast enough. 

While some believe that patent law continues to serve an important role in encouraging innovation, others believe that we need to adjust patent laws as they pertain to climate emergency technologies. Both sides agree, however, that existing patent laws need significant reform to find a better balance between encouraging technological innovations and ready access to those same innovations.

Lobbying controls from industry groups may hinder patent reform, as they may see patents as important to drive their profitability. Politicians should promote ideas around collaboration and shared knowledge to communicate why this action is important.


When you take this action, give another card from your hand to another player to add to their hand.
You may take this action once per Regulation tag in this card's stack each round.
In the Solo game, discard this card and draw a replacement.

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  • Support patent reform in your country.

  • Make your own patents freely available for use by governments, community organizations, and others.

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