Small Scale Onshore Wind

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Wind power isn’t just limited to large wind turbines or vast wind farms. As wind power becomes a greater part of our energy system, small-scale onshore wind can also play an important role in a green energy transition, on par with individual solar panels for homes. 

Small scale onshore wind refers to wind turbines installed on land that produce less than 100KW. These smaller turbines require significantly less money and land, allowing them to operate in areas where larger turbines could not. There are as many as a million small wind turbines currently in use worldwide. One of the greatest advantages of small scale onshore wind is it can generate power in remote locations. In the Majority World, this could help provide clean energy access to communities that have never had reliable access to electricity of any kind.

While small-scale wind power is an attractive alternative to fossil fuel power the amount of power they can generate depends largely on wind speeds. Turbines need to be placed away from buildings, trees, and other obstacles that could block the flow of wind, and they may not be able to operate if winds aren’t strong enough. 

New technologies and improvements designed to make small scale turbines more efficient could make it much easier for businesses and homeowners to install and generate consistent electricity. Still, small-scale onshore wind remains a new technology, and installation costs are relatively high. Most small scale turbines have been installed in the US, China, and Europe. Costs will need to fall significantly for these turbines to become accessible in the Majority World.


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You may take this action once per round.

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  • Do some research and determine if it makes sense for you or your community to install small scale turbines in your community.

  • Encourage your local government to offer subsidies for homeowners who want to install small wind turbines on their property.

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