Energy Infrastructure R+D

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Research and development to improve energy infrastructure so that it might better support a green energy transition is hugely important for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Innovations continue to increase the efficiency and reliability of energy infrastructure and systems more widely, while reducing their impact on the planet we call home.

Energy infrastructure is not just limited to our electricity grids. It also describes the technologies needed for extraction, transport, refinery, and storage, and combustion of fossil fuels, as well as the generation of electricity, for example. Historically, much infrastructure innovation has been aimed at fossil energy infrastructure, reducing leaks from methane (‘natural’ gas), and improving engine efficiency, for example. These have helped reduce emissions, but we must not get caught up in prolonging the life of fossil infrastructure which should be phased out and replaced as soon as possible.

At the same time, innovation with regards to low carbon technologies would be incredibly welcome –  especially those relevant to energy infrastructure, from next generation control systems that allow operators to manage increasingly complex energy usage patterns, to more efficient grid-scale energy storage. Likewise, climate hazards like floods, hurricanes, heatwaves, and fires pose threats to global energy infrastructure, so improving resilience to these through R&D is also key to a reliable and safe global power system. 

Developing, scaling up, and rolling out these innovations will require new policies that encourage investment and coordinated research into these cutting edge technologies. Driving low-carbon technology is often expensive, time intensive, and has long had to compete with fossil energy research for money, so Government spending and support is especially important when it comes to driving such developments.


Draw 7 cards. Add any cards with Grid and/or Innovation tags to your hand. Discard the others.
You may take this action once per round.

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  • Contact your elected officials and voice your support for energy innovation. Urge them to prioritize funding for energy infrastructure R&D in their policy decisions.

  • Learn about and support innovative energy infrastructure projects in your community, such as green roofs or solar panel installations.

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