Green Tech Exports

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Green technologies, like solar panels, electric vehicles and batteries, have become an important part of China's transition to a low-carbon economy. This took off in 2015, when China launched its "Made in China 2025" plan, which aimed to upgrade the country's manufacturing sector and increase the production of green technologies.

Since then, the Chinese government has established policies and financial incentives to support the development and export of green technologies, and China has become the world's largest renewable energy investor and producer. China's leadership in green technology exports has helped reduce the cost of renewable energy technologies and increased the roll out of clean energy in the Majority World. Access to cheaper green technology has allowed some countries to implement renewable energy faster than they otherwise would be able to.

Critics have raised concerns about the mineral extraction needed for the green transition, and the treatment of workers in some Chinese processing facilities. While fossil fuel infrastructure also requires the (much greater) use of rare minerals, it is essential that green technologies are built responsibly and all mining is done with minimal ecological harm. Workers contracted in solar panel and green technology factories must be treated fairly, paid properly and in decent conditions.

China's role in green technology exports is likely to continue to grow in the coming years. As the world moves towards a low-carbon economy, there will be increasing demand for green technologies, and China is well-positioned to meet this demand.


When you take this action, move up to 2 Clean Energy tokens from your player board to the player board belonging to one (and one only) other player.
You make take this action once per Grid tag in this card's stack each round.
In the Solo game, discard this card and draw a replacement.

Card Rules Image
  • Support sustainable and clean technology companies through your purchasing decisions

  • Look at other organizations in your industry to find inspiration for ways to make your own company more sustainable, or share knowledge and expertise from your organization with other companies looking to become more sustainable.

  • Support international cooperation efforts that facilitate clean technology exports.

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