How to Play
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Rules Reference

The best way to learn how to play Daybreak is to watch the video above first. Then click below to download the rulebook. If you have any more questions, see our FAQ. And if your question is not there, ask in the BoardGameGeek forum!

Download the Rules
When a Local Action requires me to discard a Local Project card, can I only discard from my hand?
Yes, you can discard Local Project cards only from your hand. Cards played or tucked in your Play Area can't be discarded (unless a Crisis card forces you to do so).
Can the required tag(s) for a Local Project be anywhere in my Play Area?
No, the tags required to take a Local Action must be in the same stack as the card with the action you want to take.
Can the tags on a Local Project card be used to meet its own requirement?
Yes, tags on a Local Project card can be used to meet that same card’s requirement.
Can I play a card from my hand in front of any stack in my Play Area to start a Local Project?
Yes, you can play a card from your hand in front of any stack in your Play Area (there is no need for that card to match any of the tags on the cards already in the stack).
Can I take a Local Action multiple times?
Yes, you can take a Local Action multiple times during a round, unless that Local Action has a Limit, such as “Once per round”, or “Each round: once per (tag)”.
Can I take a Local Action, then cover it with a new card and take the new Local Action?
Yes, you can take a Local Action, cover it, take the new Local Action, then cover it, and so on.
Can I move a Local Project card that was previously tucked under another card to a different stack, or the front of the same stack, to take its action?
No, once Local Project cards are played or tucked on a stack, you cannot move them.
Can I have more (or less) than 5 stacks of cards in my Play Area?
You can have up to 5 stacks of cards in your Play Area.
Is there a limit to the number of cards I can play in a stack?
No, each stack can be of any depth.
Is there a limit to how many Local Actions I can take?
No, there is no fixed limit to the number of Local Actions you can take in the Local stage. However, some cards have their own Limit (e.g., “Once per round”), and other cards have a cost you must be able to pay (e.g., “Discard a card from your hand to take this action”).
Is there a limit to how many Local Project cards I can have in my hand?
No, there is no hand size limit.
Can I keep Local Project cards in my hand between rounds?
Yes, you may keep Local Project cards in your hand between rounds.
If a Planetary Effects roll forces us to add a new Temperature Band, does that trigger an additional die roll this round?
Yes, if a Planetary Effect roll results in a new Temperature Band, you must roll an additional die.
If a Planetary Effects roll forces us to draw more Crisis cards, do we have to resolve them this round?
Yes, any Crisis cards you draw as a result of a Planetary Effect must be resolved during the same round.
When a Crisis card’s effect can be reduced with Resilience tokens, are those tokens discarded?
No, Resilience tokens used to reduce the effects of a Crisis card are not discarded.
Can I tuck a Local Project card under a Crisis card during the Crisis stage?
No, Local Project cards can only be tucked under face-up Crisis cards, and only during the Local stage.