Universal Public Transport

Local Project
card artwork

Public transit systems — buses, trains, trams, trollies, ferries, and the like – have the potential to dramatically cut the need for, and so the climate impact of, transport systems. Even if they run on fossil fuels, such systems can massively reduce greenhouse gas emissions because they carry multiple passengers, unlike small private vehicles. They also tend to be more affordable than running individual vehicles, and therefore more widely accessible. 

Critical to widespread adoption, however, is the public transport system being comprehensive, fast and convenient. Government subsidies can help bring down fares and improve speeds. Technologies such as geotracking can make it easy to plan trips with minimal waiting time, as can “first leg, last leg” options for getting to and from a mass transit stop. Finally, perception is key: when there is a widely accepted sense that public transit networks are functional and effective, people will be far more likely to use them. This can be encouraged by ending advertising for fossil-powered private vehicles, for example, and opening up dedicated routes for public transport vehicles that private vehicles can’t use.


When you take this action, increase your Energy Demand by 1 and remove 1 Transportation Emissions token from your player board.
You may take this action once per Grid tag in this card's stack each round.

Card Rules Image
  • Take public transport whenever possible. 

  • Encourage your employer to subsidize mass transit.

  • Encourage your local government to prioritize fast public transport infrastructure.

  • Campaign to ban fossil-fueled vehicles advertising.

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