Universal Healthcare

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The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the climate emergency is the single biggest health threat facing humanity. This threat is direct, such as increasingly extreme heat, which causes dehydration and death. It is also indirect, as in the case of extreme heat that destroys crops, hitting the earnings of farming communities, and causing poverty, malnutrition, and disease. 

Universal access to healthcare is therefore essential to protect people from these growing threats to health. The millions of people most exposed and vulnerable to climate and ecological shocks also have poor access to healthcare and to the essentials that enable good health, like water, shelter and enough food.

But tackling the climate emergency is also a huge opportunity for health. For example, millions of people die from fossil fuel air pollution each year, totaling over 10 percent of global deaths. Reducing the use of fossil fuels will save lives and significantly lower the burden on health services. Greener transport options, like cycling and walking, and more sustainable diets can also improve health. 

Many governments have yet to put health at the forefront of their strategies to tackle the climate  emergency, although efforts to create climate adaptation and risk plans in some countries are starting to include discussions about healthcare and human life.


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The Global Climate and Health Alliance campaigns for action on climate and ecological change that protects and promotes health.

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