Inclusive Immigration

Local Project
card artwork

People move home for many reasons: to escape oppression, to find new opportunities, for work, or family, or more. Inclusive immigration means everyone being able to move safely and without prejudice, receiving the support they need to move and settle safely and prosperously. 

Increasing the quota of people allowed to enter a country from abroad, or removing quotas entirely, helps ensure that everyone can live where they choose to, and find safe homes. Policies that support the rights of people moving into a country - such as providing permanent residence, national IDs, and the full right to work - help them to settle quickly and prosper. 

Many governments and media commentators scapegoat immigrants for societies’ problems. Rising populist sentiments in many countries threaten inclusive immigration policies by casting immigrants as ‘outsiders’ who are undeserving of support or inclusion.

Advocating for and educating people about fair immigration policies can reduce these false narratives, and counter xenophobic violence and harassment.

It is also important that governments help people arriving in a country build safe and stable lives. This includes helping them access healthcare, welfare support, safe housing and education facilities. Smooth processes to help them find stable and dignified work will help people settle in a new country.


When you take this action, move 1 Community in Crisis from another player's player board onto your player board. (Ask permission first.)
You may take this action once per Society tag in this card's stack each round.
In the Solo game, discard this card and draw a replacement.

Card Rules Image
  • Support local migration care and asylum centers, for example volunteering your time to mentor or welcome people arriving in your area.

  • Challenge false anti-immigration narratives in the media and among your peers.

  • Campaign against efforts by your government to introduce limits on migration.

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