Solar R+D

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Both the public and private sectors have been investing in research and development (R&D) for solar power since the 1950s. Technological improvements have made solar panels significantly cheaper, and more efficient, and helped enable solar to provide electricity to the grid. In fact, if you plot the ‘curve’ of solar cost and efficiency over the last century, it has progressed faster than any other energy source. 

Today, research and development continue to create exciting new possibilities for solar power. Scientists are frequently setting records for how efficiently solar panels can convert sunlight to electricity. While the solar cells that powered satellites in the late 1950s had an efficiency of around 8%, in 2022, the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory set a record with a cell that achieved 40% efficiency.

Scientists are also using new materials to create better performing, cheaper cells. Thin-film cells are made from inexpensive materials but are not as efficient as standard cells. ‘Tandem cells’, combining different types of materials, can split the difference between cost and efficiency but currently are not as stable as standard cells at large scales. Finally, scientists are also experimenting with new ways to reuse the small amounts of rare materials used in manufacturing solar panels, and continuing to trial more common, less impactful materials that might lower their environmental footprint.


Draw 8 cards. Add any cards with Solar and/or Innovation tags to your hand. Discard the others.
You may take this action once per round.

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  • Tell your legislators that you support devoting more resources to solar energy research and development.

  • Support solar power by purchasing green energy options from energy providers.

  • Support solar-focused research and development by investing in companies that are dedicated to advancing solar technology.

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