Solar Plants

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Solar power converts energy from the sun into electrical energy via semiconductors in a solar photovoltaic panel, or by using thermal energy to turn a turbine in a concentrated solar power installation. Solar energy is renewable, cheap, and clean, creating no harmful greenhouse gas emissions as it generates electricity. The cost of generating electricity from solar panels fell 85% from 2010 to 2020 (SCL), and continues to drop. As a result, solar power made up half of all new power generation capacity in 2021.

Although many people associate solar energy with putting panels on rooftops, generating larger amounts of electricity generally requires an array made up of many such panels, or a concentrated solar power plant. A concentrated solar power plant uses mirrors to concentrate sunlight on a receiver (often placed at the top of a tower). The receiver heats up, converting sunlight into thermal energy, which generates steam that turns a turbine to generate electricity.

Solar power complements wind power well because, although it depends on variable weather, the sun provides solar energy during the day and wind speeds are often highest during the nighttime hours. Both of these ‘intermittent’ energy sources also benefit greatly from energy storage and other energy ‘flexibility’ measures.


You must have at least 1 Grid tag in this card's stack to take this action.
Discard 1 card from your hand, then add 1 Clean Energy token to your player board for each Grid tag in this card's stack.
Then optionally remove 1 Dirty Energy token from your player board.

Card Rules Image
  • Install solar panels on your home or business, or support solar power by purchasing green energy options from your energy provider.

  • Invest in renewable energy sources for your business.

  • Advocate for policies that support the adoption of solar energy.

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