Adaptation Programs

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Climate adaptation is the process of preparing and adjusting to the impacts of the climate emergency. Adaptation programs are necessary across many sectors and can include things like training for emergencies and to run new, resilient systems, new regenerative agricultural programmes, developing infrastructure and land use practices based on ecosystems, changing how we design buildings and plan cities, creating early warning systems, and adopting climate-resilient health systems.

Climate adaptation is necessary to reduce the harm the climate emergency will have on individuals and communities. Adaptation can be done at all levels, but communities play a particularly important role in climate adaptation. This is because the climate emergency will impact our local areas, so local solutions and new ways of living will be necessary. These are best designed by the people who will live with them.

Climate adaptation is currently underfunded and under-prioritized compared to climate mitigation (reducing greenhouse gas emissions). Adaptation programs also have the potential to increase global inequities if they are designed and implemented poorly. For example, if systems to prevent overheating are only installed in wealthy areas, low income communities will be more at risk from rising temperatures.

Governments must pursue equitable and evidence-based adaptation programs, centering local communities and considering intersecting equality, housing, health, and societal challenges. To ensure that those affected by these schemes are involved in their development, and for money to be allocated effectively, more accessible funding opportunities are needed to direct funds to the communities that need it most.

Lack of coordination between organizations, governments, and communities on adaptation programs is a serious barrier to effective adaptation programs. More research is also needed into the design of robust, intersectional adaptation programs across different contexts.


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  • Ask your local government if they have adaptation and emergency plans in place, and advocate for them to create these with the community if they haven’t. 

  • Contribute to community science resilience tools - such as publicly accessible maps of cool spaces and free drinking fountains that people can use during heatwaves.

  • Consider whether the changing climate is affecting, or will affect, your work, and lead on plans to adapt to these changes.

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