Migrants' Rights Agreement

Global Project
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Although migration is a key feature of human history, it continues to be weaponized as a threat to countries of arrival. Yet migrants are people with rich and varied life experiences, skill sets, and knowledge bases. Developing agreements on migrants’ rights can protect people who move countries and assist them to lead happy and flourishing lives.

One in 30 people around the world are migrants. Promoting their rights to work, access healthcare, become documented, and more can improve not only their lives but put them in a position to contribute to local and national communities and economies. For example, cross-border reciprocal agreements can also foster labor migration and boost economies without exploiting migrant workers.

Migrants’ Rights agreements must be legally binding or else there is little way of enforcing them. The implementation of agreements are often slow and require ongoing monitoring.

Increasing public support for fair and humane migration policies can influence politicians to take action to support migrants. Data and case studies about successful agreements and their outcomes can provide convincing evidence to politicians.

Xenophobia and fake news about migrants, who are often portrayed as undeserving outsiders, can hinder migrants’ rights agreements. A general lack of knowledge of the challenges faced by migrants can also leave such agreements on the back burner.


To activate this Global Project, at least one player must have 3 Society tags in their play area.

Once active: Once per round, each player may give up to 2 of their Communities in Crisis to any one (and one only) player that has 3 or more Society tags in their play area (with their permission).

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  • Connect locally with migrant activist groups and familiarize yourself with some of the local challenges and calls for agreements.

  • Vote for progressive candidates supportive of migration and open to developing policies and agreements to promote migrants’ rights.

  • Support groups like ​​HOPE not hate, which expose and oppose far-right extremism.