Energy Charter Treaty

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The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is an international agreement, developed in the 1990s, that upholds rules and procedures for how countries cooperate with regards to energy, and was designed with the fossil energy system in mind.

The ECT establishes a private system through which investors and companies – especially fossil-corporations – can sue signatories and receive compensation for policy changes that threaten their financial interests. The ECT is frequently used by fossil fuel investors to offset profits they lose as a result of policies that promote clean energy sources or otherwise harm their business models (such as coal bans) winning hundreds of millions of dollars worth of public money.

Citing concerns that the ECT is outdated and benefits fossil fuel companies at the expense of necessary renewable energy development, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Poland and Spain have all left the ECT. Denmark and Portugal and the wider European Union have indicated their intention to withdraw as well. 


The player with the most Energy tags in their play area must discard 2 cards with those tags, from their hand and/or play area. In the Solo game, discard just 1 card.

If this Crisis was face up during the Local stage and players tucked Regulation tags under it, this effect can be reduced by 1 for each card tucked under this card.

Card Rules Image

Support campaigns and elected officials working to end or radically update the Energy Charter Treaty for a clean energy future.